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The Improved DeFelsko PosiTector Gage


DeFelsko released their latest model of the PosiTector Gage body and we’d like to highlight its newest features.

  • It continues to feature the same award-winning probe interchangeability that set the previous model apart. This new gage is, of course, compatible with every PosiTector probe manufactured since 2012.
  • There are 4 improvements to the physical features of the new design.
    1. Along with it’s re-engineered ergonomic design it’s surface offers rubberized grips for all-day inspection. That’ll keep this from slipping out of your hand.
    2. Speaking of environments – we all know jobsites can be dusty, humid, or wet. So DeFelsko made sure this gage was sealed in an IP65 rated enclosure. Nothing’s going to tamper with the internals on this thing.
    3. The Screen is now touchscreen, which makes navigation around the menus a lot easier for the user
    4. At 2.8 inches, the screen is 35% larger for even better readability in any condition. It also flips the screen orientation based on how you are using it.
  • DeFelsko also helped make it easier to understand the product. Nearly every menu item has a help icon; simply touch it or press the plus button to get a full explanation of its function.
  • The new Instant On feature quickly powers up the gage and returns to its previous state when the instrument has been off for less than four hours—making spot inspection even faster!
  • Like before, there are two models of the PosiTector gage body: standard and advanced.
    • The standard model now stores one thousand readings per probe.
    • The advanced model now stores up to two hundred fifty thousand readings in up to 1,000 batches or groups, and continues to feature Bluetooth and wifi technology to communicate with web-based storage, the PosiTector App, and virtually any third-party device or software.
  • Depending on which probe is connected, the advanced body also adds functionality such as scanning, SSPC PA2 and the new ISO 19840 mode for coating thickness probes.

As you can see, DeFelsko added some really great new features when upgrading this new gage… making your inspections simpler, faster, and more powerful. Just another example of superior equipment.


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