Home / Technology and Innovation Day

Henderson Grand Opening

March 6, 2025  |  11.00am – 3.30pm  |  Henderson, WA

We’ve moved to a new location so we can serve you better! Join us as we address the biggest challenges in the industry. From leveraging advanced robotics to overcoming labour shortages to enhancing productivity and operational safety, this event is designed to showcase innovative solutions that elevate the performance and reliability of your operations.

VertiDrive V700 & V400

The latest models available!


LIVE field data for faster project completion and lower costs.

Mobile Blast Trailer

Move your blast rig when and when you need it.

SnakeBite Blast Nozzle

The world’s quietest blast nozzle.

GMA Garnet

NEW! Infinity Blast Nozzle


Spray Pumps

DeFelsko Instruments

We’ll be sharing solutions tailored to the

Defence Industry

Tackling the lack of skilled labour with robotics

Reducing waste & disposal costs in operations

Improving productivity to complete projects faster

Complying with safety and environmental obligations

Optimising GMA Garnet to enable FASTEST blasting of any garnet abrasive

Reducing time at heights and keep your operators out of harm’s way

Come for learns, stay for the lunch!

Indulge in a mouthwatering lunch on us!

11:00am – 11:30am: Sign-In & Drinks

  • Enjoy a cold beverage and gear up for the day

11.30am – 12:30pm: Presentations:

BlastOne’s response to industry challenges

  • The Impact of VertiDrive Blasting Robots Amidst Labour Shortages
  • Harnessing IntelliBlast Technology for Remote Access to Live Equipment Data
  • The SnakeBite XQ blast nozzle for Noise Regulation Compliance on Sensitive Job Sites
  • Unveiling Data-Backed Insights on how GMA Garnet is the Fastest Abrasive for Reducing Overall Project Cost
  • BlastOne’s ‘Performance 3 Discovery’ for on-site Productivity Gains – Guaranteed!

12.30pm – 1:00pm: Lunch

  • Enjoy a catered lunch on us from ‘That Food Truck!’

1.00pm – 1.30pm: Live Demonstrations

  • VertiDrive V400: Water blast up to 45m² hour with closed UHP blasting!
  • VertiDrive V700: Blast up to up to 60m² an hour!
  • SnakeBite XQ: Hear the decibel drop!
  • NLB MicroARM: For robotic UHP precision blasting

1:30pm – 2:10pm: Sponsor Demonstrations & Speakers

  • WIWA and Eoncoat
  • Graco
  • Clique Logistics
  • Aston Recruitment

2:10pm – 2:30pm: Equipment Overviews

  • AMPP C-Series Training: Internationally recognised certification to work in specific fields
  • SimSpray: Virtual Paint Training

2:30pm: Raffle & Equipment ‘Hands-On ‘ Time

Join the BlastOne Team and industry colleagues for networking and professional development through information seminars, product overviews and live demonstrations.

We’re introducing BlastOne’s ‘Performance 3 Discovery’ program – When you optimise multiple facets of an operation, the results aren’t linear – they’re exponential. That’s where BlastOne excels. We uncover multiple high-yield optimisations that lead to major cost savings and productivity boosts.

Previous Technology Day Highlights

Attendee Testimonials

Video Highlights

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