Portable Shipping Container Blast Room

Portable Shipping Container Blast Room

  • Modified High-cube-style shipping container construction (6m, 12m)
  • Watertight, Weatherproof design
  • Completely self-contained for maximum portability
  • Simple setup/installation
  • Partial abrasive recovery system, with shovel-in hopper
  • Available as fully assembled unit or retrofit kit
  • Instant Preliminary Quotes Available on Request!
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Portable Shipping Container Blast Room


This is the entry-level option for blast rooms in terms of cost and project turnaround time and is one of our most popular booth models. Its watertight design allows it sit outdoors, making it ideal for those who have smaller sandblasting operations (1 blaster, 10-20 hrs/week) but do not have enough indoor floor space to justify a standard blast booth. The container blast room is completely self-contained, with all of its elements fitting within a standard-sized shipping container (6m or 12m), including the blast chamber, personnel access door, shovel-in hopper for grit recycling, dust collector, 3.5 cuft Blast machine, and protective equipment for the sandblasting operator. Its compact design makes the blast room extremely mobile and easy to set up. It only requires compressed air and an electrical connection to be completely ready for operation. Installation of the entire booth (fully assembled) is typically completed in under a day. This blast room is available as either a fully assembled unit or as a retrofit kit. The retrofit kit contains all the equipment, tools and materials needed to convert an existing shipping container into a fully functional sandblasting booth. Lease-to-own financing is also an option, with terms running between 12-48 months.
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