Foam Swabs for PosiTector® SST probe (pack of 5)
Foam Swabs for PosiTector® SST probe (pack of 5)
BlastOne offers all accessories and replacement parts for DeFelsko testing instruments.
As part of the PosiTector SST test process, water from the test must be injected into the probe for salt measurements. These foam swabs are used between measurements to clean the probe and are available in this convenient package of 5 units.
Foam Swabs for PosiTector® SST probe (pack of 5)
$24.57 (excludes GST)
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Foam Swabs for PosiTector® SST probe (pack of 5)
The Foam Swabs, identified by the part number SSTSWAB, are engineered for exclusive use with the PosiTector® SST soluble salt tester and offered in convenient packs of 5. Used to clean the test cell in the SST probe, they are instrumental in obtaining accurate assessment of surface contamination.