DeFelsko® PosiTest® OTL Oven Temperature Logger
The PosiTest OTL – DeFelsko’s solution to monitor and record temperature profiles in Powder Coating and other industrial ovens. Configurable in various ways, some of it’s features include:
- Simple Design. With an easy-to-use interface and bright LED’s to indicate logger status, operating the Oven Temperature Logger is simple and intuitive.
- Capable. The DeFelsko OTL can:
- Measure & record up to 40,000 datasets in up to 6 batches. Records temperatures every 2 seconds for up to 22 hours.
- 6 ‘Channels’ (K-type thermocouple ports) for adding temperature probes.
- Configurable. Depending on the specific application, the OTL offers various configurations, such as:
- PosiTest OTLKIT, including logger with barrier box and standard Holder (65 minute endurance at 200° C)
- PosiTest OTLKITXT, same as above, except with heat-sink Holder (200 minute endurance at 200° C)
- (See sliding scale endurance chart on the brochure under the Documents tab)
- OTL logger only without barrier box, for use with temperature probes and when the logger does not need to be in the oven.
Note: See the selection of temperature probes on the You May Also Like below.