DeFelsko PosiTector® RTR Replica Tape Readers

DeFelsko PosiTector® RTR Replica Tape Readers


The PosiTector RTR family of instruments is DeFelsko’s state-of-the-art solution for surface profile measurement and more.  Two different probe models are available and selected features are listed below:

  • Familiar.  Based on the award-winning PosiTector instrument body platform, the RTR probes are easy to master and use.
  • Capable.  State-of-the-art technology with 2 models as follows:
    • PosiTector RTR H.  This 2D version measures surface profile using Testex tape just like a spring micrometer, but with the following enhancements:
      • Automatically compensates for the thickness of the Testex film backing.
      • Using conventional Testex Coarse or X-Coarse tape, the RTR H calculates linearized measurements automatically, without the complicated averaging process required by analog spring micrometers.
      • Stores readings which can be uploaded to PosiSoft, Mac, and smartphone software for professional reporting.  Of course, you can keep the physical replica tape as well.
      • Ready-to-measure.  No calibration adjustment required for most applications.
    • PosiTector RTR 3D.  This 2D / 3D version offers the same features as the RTR H above, but with these extra features:
      • Creates a 3D image of the profile and calculates Peak Density, Peak Count and more – a total of 14 common 2D and 3D surface parameters.
      • When paired with the Advanced body, the RTR 3D can download high-res .SDF files for further analysis.
      • These 3D surface parameters are proving to be as important (if not more so) than traditional surface profile measurements for predicting coating life.  Future proof your instrument purchase against changing specifications by investing in the highly capable PosiTector RTR 3D!
      • Note:  The PosiTector RTR 3D requires Optical grade Testex tape.
  • Configurable.  Your choice of RTR probe is available separately (for use with existing PosiTector gage / body), or can be purchased as a kit with your choice of Standard or Advanced body.

Each PosiTector Body / RTR probe kit comes complete with burnishing tool, cleaning cards, check shim(s), calibration certificate, and more!  The RTR 3D package also includes one roll of X-Coarse optical grade tape.

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DeFelsko PosiTector® RTR Replica Tape Readers

$1,448.67 - $5,350.39
$1,316.97 - $4,863.99 (excludes GST)

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